Oct 23, 2018
Dicronis receives a SME Instruments European Grant

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 836091.
Oct 21, 2018
Proud to have been selected as finalists of the 1st CSEM Digital Journey

Centre suisse d'électronique et de microtechnique SA (CSEM) launches the Digital Journey event. The final selection will take place the 7th November at the headquarter in Neuchâtel in occasion of the CSEM Business Day. 7 among promising SMEs and Start-ups will have the chance to present their project in front of a jury of experts and win the chance to get supported by CSEM for the value of CHF 100'000 in the development of a game-changing product.
This represents one of the numerous initiatives and support that CSEM offers to Start-ups and SME, in order to keep Switzerland an extremely innovative country and create jobs.
Oct 18, 2018
Swiss Symposium in Point-Of-Care Diagnostics

Great to see the support that CSEM provides to Swiss Startups and SMEs in developing products, as well as fostering a vibrant innovative environment.
We would like to thank the audience for supporting us achieving the third place in the poster competition!
Sep 27, 2018
2018 Swiss Innovation Challenge Finalist

Patrizia will pitch at the final event of the 4th edition of the Swiss Innovation Challenge. The event will take place the 29 October in Muttenz, and will host very innovative Start-ups and SMEs.
Sep 05, 2018
ETH Industry Day

The team of Dicronis presents the company to the participants of the ETH Industry Day, an amazing annual event organised by ETH Industry Relations on the behalf of our Vice President of Research and Corporate Relations. It was great to discuss with so many interested and passionate people.
Sep 01, 2018
The Team of Dicronis grows!

We are very pleased to welcome Dr. Laura Jabinet as R&D Associate in our growing team. She holds a Master in Medical Biology from the University of Lausanne and obtained her PhD in Neuroscience at the University of Zurich. Her solid background in life sciences, matured after almost four years researching neurological disorders, and hands-on experience working in a very dynamic and multidisciplinary project, make her the perfect candidate to support our R&D department, both on the bench and the regulatory side of Lymphit and Dic02.
Aug 01, 2018
We were selected among the Finalist of the 10th edition of the Universal Biotech Prize

The Innovation prize, organised by Universal Biotech aims to promote innovation in the field of Life Science. This year 284 candidates from 21 countries applied. The applications were evaluated according to specific criteria, such as scientific quality of the innovation, project team expertise and diversity, intellectual property strength, project feasibility and chances of success on the market.
Jun 27, 2018
Dicronis is among the finalist of EIT Health Germany

The 11th July in Heidelberg (Germany) the regional final of the competition will take place.
Jun 06, 2018
Meet Dicronis at the 8th International Lymphedema Framework conference in Rotterdam

We would like to thank Prof. Hugo Partsch for his valuable support and for giving us the opportunity to present our company in front of a public of experts in the field.
Jun 05, 2018
Dicronis wins the "Prix de Jeune Entrepreneur" (PJE)

Patrizia partecipate to the PJE with the support of Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) and had the opportunity to present in front of a professional jury and the French ambassador in Switzerland, Mme Anne Paugam.
More interesting details about the PJE can be found in the article of Startupticker.ch.